Last year’s AGM was held on 25 Oct 2023 at 7pm. The keynote speaker was Paul Klinac of Auckland Council on the topic of Climate Change and Auckland Cliffs.
2023 has been a busy year with a number of initiatives being actively progressed.
However by far the most dominant factor for the last 12 months has been the weather which has affected us all. And with climate change, this is a sign of things to come. Most particularly the Auckland Anniversary storm which unleashed damage to Auckland and its infrastructure in a manner which, at least in recent decades, was entirely unprecedented. Tamaki Drive and neighbouring areas suffered damage from the atmospheric river. Tragically, there were some resulting deaths and injuries to residents within the area.
Many properties were damaged to varying degrees as a result of landslips along cliff edges and the effects continue to be visible to those travelling Tamaki Drive. The weather has made a significant negative impact on the activities and finances of the Auckland Council. This prompted a review of the Auckland Council budget with inevitable effects on the Council’s ability to support local initiatives, including uncommitted expenditure in the Tamaki Drive area.
Tamaki Drive itself suffered a series of road blockages caused by material including trees with other debris falling from cliffs. Prompt action by Auckland Council cleared most of the damage and the surface of Tamaki Drive held up well. Possibly the limited damage may have been eased in part by the recently completed road raising and re-structuring work on Tamaki Drive. The extensive work on separating storm water and sewerage could also have reduced flooding and the effects of the damage caused by the event. The recent collapse of Parnell’s sewage and stormwater pipes emphasises the importance of the upgrading being continued.
In spite of the storm and its effects we have been able to advance a number of other initiatives affecting Tamaki Drive during the year.
Highpoints of the year have been:
Tamaki Drive Upgrading – while the road raising and upgrading in the area between Solent Street and Ngapipi Road appear to have been substantially completed, other initiatives have been progressed. These relate to the upgrading of the seaward walking path and the widening of the Ngapipi Road bridge which will eventually combine with the link to the sea edge walkway proposal.
“Walk Tamaki Drive” booklet – at the last Annual General Meeting it was noted that the “Walk Tamaki Drive” booklet relating to various features of Tamaki Drive had been completed successfully. Given the continuing Covid-19 delay issues, distribution of this booklet began prior to a delayed official “launch” at an evening presentation by two of our committee members. This updated version of the booklet has been well received and a significant number have now been distributed.
Seawall Recognition – following the reinstatement of the Tamaki Drive seawall, our initiative to recognise the original constructors of Tamaki Drive has been advanced to the point where we have now installed an appropriately authorised plaque on the seawall at the Ngapipi Road intersection. The aim is to make Tamaki Drive users aware of the work of the Dalmatian stonemasons who so skilfully constructed this contribution to the history of Auckland. Our thanks go to our former committee member Ross Duder for driving this recognition to a pleasing conclusion.
“The Landing” – issues affecting the redevelopment of the Landing have been a significant item at our meetings. This property is a substantial area of flat land adjacent to the Hyundai Marine Sports Centre/ Royal Akarana Yacht Club complex and the Orakei Marina.
While there have been a significant number of planning consultations undertaken in relation to this area in the past, consultation has been continuing. Two further consultation rounds have occurred during the year in an atmosphere of some controversy.
Concerns have been expressed about the closing of the yacht and launch haul out and boat maintenance facilities which have occupied part of the area for decades. The steps taken now include the removal of the related haul out equipment and buildings and this has been opposed by the local and Auckland wide boating community. Moreover, valuable equipment of historical character like the Crimea cannon appears to have been stolen in the process.
Of particular concern has been the loss of a facility to allow boat owners to washdown the below water hulls of their boats, when increased concern is being expressed about the prevalence of noxious marine vegetation being spread throughout the Hauraki Gulf. Damage to the natural environment could potentially affect the magnificent sandy beaches adjoining Tamaki Drive itself which is of great concern to our Society.
Meanwhile, the net effect has been to extend the period where this potentially magnificent site on Tamaki Drive, located at a point where the recreational assets of Tamaki Drive become fully visible to the visiting public, now appears for most of the time as a somewhat desolate area of land with no evident purpose. Naturally many are concerned at the prospect of pressures which would allow this property to have its unique character undermined by commercial or other development.
The approach of the Society has included requests for enhanced civic leadership in the future purposing of the Landing to recognise all of the current and practical related interests concerned. The current plan presented for public submission appears to continue an approach where there are “winners” and “losers” with the prospect of a continuing political stalemate. Moreover the Landing area has a significance to the maritime community which needs to recognised and accommodated. The Society looks for clear guidance as to how the uniquely valuable Landing can be fostered to be a resource about which all Aucklanders can be proud.
Drainage and Coastline restoration – the Society has followed with interest all measures to enhance the coastal waters in the Tamaki Drive area. These include the massive water drainage separation work by Watercare, and the potential “daylighting” of streams, shellfish “seeding” in Okahu Bay, and all other such steps.
Collaboration – helpful collaborative interest with the Eastern Bays Community Network meetings and with other interest groups continued, directed to protecting our local environment. Their interests often align closely with the work of the Society, particularly relative to housing density and traffic intensification.
Developments – the Society continued to closely monitor directly or by our members, any significant proposed commercial developments adjacent to Tamaki Drive and any other measures to impede its use and enjoyment by the public.
As to the future, the Society remains in good heart and looks forward to all features of Tamaki Drive continuing to be steadily improved despite the lack of funding and other challenges currently being faced.
As always, we have many to thank for their support. Predominantly, our local Council representative, Desley Simpson, and the members of the Orakei Local Board. We have appreciate the privilege of having OLB member Margaret Voyce and, in her absences, Scott Milne and Troy Churton, at our quarterly committee meetings.
We also recognise and value the collaborative local associations we have worked with including Ngati Whatua, local boating clubs, the Orakei Community Association, the Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association and the St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association.
Finally, and most importantly, we must thank all our members for their support and their donations which make our work possible. We welcome new members, particularly any who are willing and able to join our committee.
Graham Jones – Chairman